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I help you avoid burnout
and build a business
that runs like clockwork.



Do the things you really love

With the people who really matter

While experiencing your dream business

The 5 Reasons Business Owners Burn Out and Fail:

Can you identify with any of these?:


No Vision of Success

You’ve given up and forgotten your dream.


No Purpose Beyond Profit

You feel the business owns you because you focus on profits, not purpose.


Hiring The Wrong People

Your company culture has no shared purpose, so your team make up their own.


Lack of SOP's

You lack proven systems and processes to get the right results,  first time, everytime.


Unclear Measures of Success

Your team won’t take ownership or accountability.

What will it take for you to see sense?

For me change came when my surgeon said:
“Colin, you need surgery. What you’re doing must stop today.”

In my heart I knew he was right. But I couldn’t see a way out.

I spent the next two years solely devoted to finding a way to make a business run like clockwork, so I could avoid burnout and catastrophe.

I am certain I can help you transform your business so it runs like clockwork.

After we’ve worked together, I guarantee you will have the recipe for your success.

What if nothing ever changes?

For my ideal clients it means:

  • Even longer hours, late nights,
  • Frustration, overwhelm and exhaustion
  • No time to yourself
  • An anxious knot in your stomach every Sunday night
  • 4 hours or less sleep per night
  • Back or neck pain because you’re so tense
  • Migraine, indigestion, high-blood pressure
  • Doctors very concerned about your health
  • Total breakdown in your relationships
  • Anxiety and depression
  • You’re lonely with no-one to turn to

  Dr. Mark McKinney Group Managing Director, ATG Group

“You helped me grow to a 7-figure business and win a Queen's Award for Enterprise!“

The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are the most prestigious awards for UK businesses and is a globally recognised royal seal of approval for UK companies.

“Colin you opened my eyes, showing me a system that has led directly to a 48% increase in our profits. We’ve also used it extensively to gain traction with new clients. It’s become the bedrock of our marketing and sales strategy.


Proof it works

Learn what it’s like when we work together:

I’VE GOT WHAT I NEED! Three years, two different consultancy firms and no results. Today you’ve helped me create a compelling Purpose Statement. You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this!”  

   Ashley Hassan Communications Manager, Birnie Consultancy

“I’m free! I was at a crossroads and stuck. Now I have a very clear path ahead! I know exactly what I need to do and my next right step. I have real peace of mind Colin and a ten-point action plan.”

  Suzanne Hill
Owner / Founder, Handel Export

I AM ASTOUNDED; One session with Colin and we have nine new ideas to increase our profits!”

  Jim Chestnut
Properties Manager, National Trust

I'm here to help


Launching a business takes grit, determination and working long hours – growing it can seem even harder. It requires a whole new set of skills and abilities, many that don’t come naturally, well not at first.

Like anything else, transforming a business to run like clockwork is about doing the right things, the right way and at the right time. You can’t guess your way to success which is what most people do. That’s a recipe for failure.

Having someone you trust guide you, using a proven blueprint is a recipe for success. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, and I’d love to show you the way.

Understand your business like never before, for free!

Ready to discover how your business is performing and learn how to fix it? Click the link below to take our free 10-minute business assessment. 


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 IT’S LIKE A MIRACLE! We’ve tried growing our Youtube channel for 13 years but couldn’t get it monetised. 13 weeks after working with you we’ve gained 5000 new subscribers and made $2000! We’re now in the top 3.4% most subscribed Youtube channels worldwide.”

   Kaylee Wilson Owner, Delight In The Journey

Office Location

1 Moygashel Mills Park, Dungannon

Phone Number

+44 7960 709787

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